Monday, April 9, 2012

All about London

Since I have a lot of catching up to do, I have alot of really cute random pictures of London I need to share.  So bear with me, photo overload!

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1st pic-London eating her Happy Meal we got with the gift certificate she got from Nana for Valentine’s

2nd pic-I bought this skirt for London on clearance is it 12 month size and she is about 20 months in this picture.  It is still big on her!!  I made this shirt to go with the skirt because I thought it would finally fit her.  Oh well, it still works, we just had to roll it once.

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Two different cold/snowy days!  London loves to be outside!

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1st pic-London on her horse.  She is starting to like this more and more.  Don’t mind her 80’s hair-this is her morning “do”, lol.

2nd pic-London loves her cousin Madi!  She had to hold her, so I snapped a pic.

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Both of these pics were at the Springville Library.  London loves Choo choo’s and she don’t me to “sit” so she could play

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1st pic- This is how London exercises on the ellitical

2nd pic-London always has to get in her tub when we visit the house.  She loves it!

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London LOVES ice cream, enough said!

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Being silly!

 funny face

This is London’s funny face!  I love it!

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1st pic-London is the biggest tease!  It is so hard to get a good picture of her, because she knows she is teasing you!

2nd pic-She always makes herself a little seat when the fridge gets opened.  So excited to have our new fridge with the freezer at the bottom!

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1st pic-tub mohawk

2nd pic-conked out in car

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Last time Lou was sick I couldn’t get her to take a nap.  She got to the point she was so beyond tired that after her bath I put her on my bed to put her jammies on and she conked out.  So I quickly put a diaper on her, wrapped her back up and let her sleep!

sugar shoes

1st pic- Ah-oh, spilled the powdered sugar

2nd pic-London loves putting on other peoples shoes, here she is with Grandma’s shoes

winter uhat

Sporting her “U” hat just for her daddy

spring tangled

1st pic-modeling her spring outfit made by mommy

And 2nd pic-last but not least, London watching her FAVORITE movie!  Tangled!!  It would be like a 4 times a day occurrence if she had it her way.

London, we love you so much!  You make life fun, you keep us on our toes, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!