I never know what to get Dave for Christmas, so I usually plan a trip to go stay in SLC. This year I booked some massages for both of us and they were amazing. After our massages we headed to our hotel to check-in. We stayed at the Little America which was really nice!! Later that night we had a reservation at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Dave has been wanting to go here for a really long time and we found out that because of the economy the one in SLC is closing in January, so we decided to hit it up before it closed. It was really yummy. I had lobster bisque, a filet steak that was SO YUMMY, with potatoes and spinach, and Dave had scallops, with a filet steak, with potatoes and spinach. We got a free dessert to share, and decided on the caramelized banana cream pie. It was really yummy as well. After dinner we wanted to go to temple square but decided it was way too cold and windy. We decided to go back to the room and go swimming. The hotel has an indoor/outdoor pool (see picture) and it was really fun to swim inside and then under a sheet to the outdoor in the freezing cold, yet the pool was really warm. The next morning we took advantage of the workout room before blowing our workout at the really good breakfast buffet at the hotel. Before going home we decided to stop by the Gateway. That trip was soon ruined by the BLOWING wind pelting our faces. We stayed for about 10 minutes before deciding just to head home before the storm got worse. All in all we had a really fun trip.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Christmas in SLC
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 1:23 PM 10 comments
Santa Lucia
About one week ago Dave woke me up early on the weekend to celebrate Santa Lucia. What is Santa Lucia you ask? Well Dave told me that it is a Swedish holiday to get the town ready and excited that Christmas is coming. A little girl goes around the town dressed in a white dress with a wreath with lit candles on her head, singing and bringing pastries and hot drink to everyone in the town. Dave's family celebrated it while growing up and decided to introduce it to me this year. It was lots of fun. He woke me up and took me out to the kitchen where he had candles lit, doughnuts to eat, and yummy mint truffle hot chocolate to drink. I think that this might be a new tradition.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 1:17 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Tree / belated pumpkin carving
It has been quite awhile since we have posted anything. We put up our Christmas tree over Thanksgiving break and took some pictures so we could post them. I love this time of the year, listening to Christmas music, decorating the tree, and spending time with family. Also, Dave and I carved pumpkins quite some time ago, but I forgot to post the pictures, so I decided to include them here.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 8:05 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween was "Incredible"
Dave has really wanted to be Mr. and Mrs. Incredbile (Elastigirl) for Halloween since last year. We went online to find the costumes and found the best ones.
On Monday we went to a Halloween party at Dave's sisters house. It was lots of fun. Most of Dave's family was there and we got to see all of the kids' costumes. Here is a slide show from that party.
On Halloween night we had a party at our apartment. It was lots of fun! We ended up having around 16 people over. We ate sweet chili in pumpkin bread bowls, corn muffins, and frosted sugar cookies. We also watched Nightmare Before Christmas and Ghostbusters. Here are the pictures from our party.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:57 AM 9 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Goo Goo Dolls
My soon to be brother-in-law, Jared, works for NuSkin and they just had their big covention up at the Salt Palace. Well for the close of the convention they had the Goo Goo dolls come and perform. Jared and Kristin invited Dave and I to go and let me tell you it was one of the best concerts I have ever been to!! We ended up having a really great spot right to the side of the stage! I forgot how many of their songs I love! It made me want to come home and buy all their songs for my Ipod. It was a really fun night with Kristin and Jared and we are so happy they invited us to go. Check out the pictures and the videos.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:00 AM 9 comments
Monday, September 29, 2008
Me and My Cowboy...LOL!!
Dave's dad took these pictures of us a few Sundays ago and I thought they were cute. Dave is wearing his great uncle Dewayne's chaps.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 5:48 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jenny McCarthy??
Funny story. A few weeks ago Dave and I were in the airport in Las Vegas and some lady thought I was Jenny McCarthy. Random...but I took it as a compliment. Anyway, today I was at school and we were in clinic working on patients and one of the girl's patient walked past me and was like "that girl looks exactly like Jenny McCarthy." Thats twice within two weeks. Let me know what you all think.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 5:17 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
We had SO much fun in Arkansas. We went to the zoo, a baseball game, swimming, ate tons of yummy food, went and got yummy snocones (wedding cake with whip cream!), had a birthday bash for Isaac, and pretty much just had fun being with Andrea, Jonathan, Jex, Stella, and Isaac!! There home is so pretty and we really enjoyed seeing their life in Arkansas and we were glad we could be a part of it. We are also proud to have the award of being their first Arkansas visitors. The following are some videos and a slideshow of the pictures of our trip.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 8:01 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Arkansas...here we come!
Dave and I leave for Arkansas tomorrow morning to stay with my sister Andrea and her husband Jonathan and their 3 kids, Jex, Stella, and Isaac. We are so excited!! We will have to post some pictures of all the fun things when we get back. See ya later!!
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Go Bee's Baseball!
Last night we went to a Bee's Baseball game with Dave's brother Jason and his wife Lorelei and their little boy Christian. It was tons of fun. They played the Tucsan Sidewinders and ended up winning them 8-2. It was awesome. We went all out and did the whole baseball park food with nachos and ice cream (and of course Dave went and got 2 hotdogs, they were on for $1 though). I wish Dave and I had more time to go and do more fun things like this. I really enjoy it when we get to spend time together. PS...if your wondering what is on our nose in some of the pictures, Dave went and grabbed free stuff at a radio booth before the game and we opened them up and they were clown noses...lol.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 4:17 PM 3 comments
Jack Johnson Concert
On Monday night Dave and I went to the Jack Johnson concert with a friend from school and her husband. It was tons of fun. I can't believe how many people were there. It was at the USANA amphitheater and the grass was completely covered in blankets. Here are some pictures and a video.
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 4:03 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Salt Lake County Fair
Whitney with her cute belt buckle she won the year before
Jesse after showing his pig
We had quite a bit of down time between the time they showed their pigs and then when they brought them back for showmanship, so Dave and I went walking around the fair. Well, we found a petting zoo and decided to go and feed a few of the animals. Don't worry we wash well after coming out of here, it was fun though.
I am glad we could go and watch Whitney and Jesse show their pigs. It reminded me of all of the things I was involved in when I was young, and I was always happy when people in my family could be there for me. Good job Whitney and Jesse, we are proud of you!
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 2:12 PM 9 comments