Annoucing the birth of London Ina Robbins.
Born July 28, 2010 at 7:13pm. She weighed 6lbs 13 oz and 19 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful and we feel so blessed to have her in our lives.
A little background on the birth. I went to the hospital Tuesday night (the 27th) at 10:00pm to be induced. When we got there we thought the pitocin would be start or my water would be broke or something of the sort to induce labor. I was checked first and was still only dilated to about a 2 and 70-80% effaced. The nurse told us that she was going to put something called a cervadil in to help me thin out the rest of the way and hopefully make my labor progress. She said it had to stay in for 12 hours and would maybe cause some cramping but basically I would be able to just sleep through the night and have lunch the next day before they started the pitocin. The cervidil was put in around 11pm and immediately I started contracting. Lets just say it was not the easy sleepful night she had explained. Baby's heartbeat sped up because of the immediate stress so I was pumped full of fluids pretty quick to help calm her. London's heartbeat came back down but I was in lots of pain. There wasn't much they could give me to help so I had quit the rough night. The next morning around 10am my water broke so they took the cervidil out to get me started. I talked the nurse into letting me get the epideral before the pitocin because the contractions I was already having were already enough pain and the pitocin would make them 4 times stronger. She agreed and went to get the nurse anesthetist. However, there were 2 emergencies c-sections going on that he was stuck in and the anesthesiologist was stuck in surgery. After waiting in much pain for 2 and a half hours I finally got my epideral between 3 and 3:30. Let me tell you that it was night and day after that. Epiderals are AMAZING! The nurse checked me before starting the pitocin and I was a 4 from my water breaking. The pitocin was started and she said she would come back and check me again in 2 hours. I slept those two hours...crazy I know. My contractions were coming in 4-5 times harder than before, and I was asleep!! Really epiderals are amazing! The nurse ended up coming in back in and checking me around 6. I was hoping I had atleast progressed to a 6. She checked and with a big shock on her face said, "Oh wow, you are a 9!" She told me to let her know when I started feeling pressure and she would come back and we could start pushing. It was probably only 20-30 minutes later that she was back to start pushing. She started the pushing with me before my doctor came in....I probably ended up pushing for 40 minutes total and our little angel was born. Dave and my mom were both in the room with me to help me through and that moment was amazing!! London was put up on my chest before she was taken to be weighed and cleaned and she was so calm and beautiful! I feel so blessed!! I never knew I could have so much love for someone so quickly!
Yay! So glad everything worked out. Epidurals really are amazing. I couldn't have done it without mine! I love her already too and can't wait to meet her.
I love the cold sore on Dave...oh! and baby London is absolutely gorgeous. Way to go Lindsay!
It was amazing, Thank you, thank you for letting me watch London come into this world! I love her so much too, it is amazing how much love you have for them in such a short time!
So happy for you! What an amazing experience! I wish I could hold little London right now! Love you guys!
Congrats. I am so glad that you enjoyed the epidural, and I feel bad you had to go through the pain with out it for a while. Labor really is hard work, but so worth it.
She is beautiful.
Congratulations!! That's so exciting that she's here. I'm glad all went well!
Congratulations!!! I can't believe all the dark hair. What a doll!
I love her name!! Ina is so original!! Is it a family name?? Congrats!! She is a really cute baby!
Congrats Lindsay! She is perfect!
she is so gorgeous!
She is beautiful! Congratulations to your little family!
Congratulations, Lindsay! She is absolutely beautiful!
Look at all that dark hair, she is so cute! Congrats Linds!
YAY! CONGRATS! Oh my word... she is a BEAUTIE! How exciting! What a DARLING family you got! Ohhhh she makes my heart melt... i LOVE her hair! WHAT A DOLL!
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