Well on Sunday Dec. 20th, Dave had been having really bad stomach pains especially on his right lower side. We called my brother-in-law, Jonathan, who is a doctor, and asked him if he thought we should go to the ER or wait til the next day. Jonathan said it sounded like appendicitis and to get to the ER. We headed down and after a very long night they booked Dave in a room to go in for surgery in the morning. They were sure what was going on because on the cat scan there was too much inflammation, so the surgeon said she would just have to open him up and see. Once in surgery, the surgeon said she could see his colon with a hole in it, which hopefully his appendix was also attached too, and a LOT of infection! She said she removed about a softball size of infection, part of his colon with the appendix and some of his small intestine. It has been quite the wk of recovery. Both my parents and Dave's parents were able to come down and help out and also be here for Christmas which I am so grateful for! It got pretty rough some of the days, but Dave is doing a lot better!! He had a pick line placed tonight so he can hopefully come home tomorrow afternoon and have someone continue to come to our house with the antibiotics. I am so grateful for all of the love and support and prayers through all of this. We were looking forward to coming home for Christmas because we have some very exciting news, but we are glad we were still able to share it with everyone! I am pregnant! We are so excited! I am ten weeks along, and my due date is July 24th. I have been sick and it has not been fun! It has made this past week a bit more emotional so once again we are very grateful for everyones prayers and especially for both of our parents who not only gave Dave support, but really helped me out, as I was kind of a wreck. We love you all and will keep everyone posted on more baby news!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
So I have had like 6 interviews this week. Thank goodness that dental hygiene jobs finally popped up in Vegas. I feel very blessed and like my prayers have been answered. Well after all these interviews, I was offered a job. I took a few days to think about it because it is an office that has never had a hygienist and needs a lot of help changing things around. After much discussion with Dave, thinking on my own, and prayers to my father in heaven...I decided I would take it. It is two days a wk and she (the Dr.) let me decide what days I wanted. I am starting on Dec. 1st and I am going to be working Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. I decided on those days because the other interviews that I am still waiting to hear from or for either Monday, Thursday, or Friday. One of my interviews was actually with a female dentist that went to dental school with the dentist that I worked for in Heber, Dr. Lobrot. She doesn't know if her hygiene schedule is going to start picking up more, but if it does, she wants me to work on Thursday and Fridays. I do have a working interview on Monday for a Monday only job, and then I have one on Friday with the dentist that went to school with Dr. Lobrot. I also am temping in an office next week on Thursday and then the following Tuesday at the same office. I am really excited about all of these opportunities that have been coming my way recently. I truly know I have been blessed!!
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 5:54 PM 10 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Another new hobby
So I did finally get my nevada hygiene license about two days ago, so now I am on hunt for a job. Nobody is hiring, so I hope I can find somewhere. However, with Dave being gone on work every night, I have started baking/cooking alot. I have always enjoy cooking, I just always hated deciding what to make and I don't really like grocery shopping either. Anyway, a few months ago, my mom and I went to an amazing bread making class so I decided I would play with that and try and make a few different things. I make bread and pizza all the time with it, but I thought I would try some other things. Here is what I made:
Pizza Rolls

PPS...if anyone knows any dentists in Nevada, put in a good word for me, or keep me in your prayers that I may find somewhere!
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:16 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Halloween Patio Decorating Contest
Our apartment complex is having a patio decorating contest for Halloween and is giving away money and prizes so I thought we would go for it. It didn't turn out spooky but I like how it looks. I took a few pics so let me know what you think...
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 6:47 PM 7 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Food, Food, and more Food
Ok, so Dave and I are pretty big lovers of food. My parents were down this last weekend with the Tuttles (the friends) and we were able to go to the Seafood Buffet with them. This is one of their favorite places. They come to Vegas 1-2 times a year with their friends and they always go to the Rio Seafood Buffet. I got some good photos of all of our yummy food!
Also, Dave is a HUGE burger fan! Did I say huge? Anyway, there is a burger joint in Vegas called Fatburger and it is pretty good. However, there menu is burgers by sizes...so you can order a S, M, L, XL, XXL, or XXXL. Dave and I went there the other night and of course Dave had to get the XXXL. He had already gotten it when I was away in Arkansas but for some reason he had to prove to me that he really could eat it. I told him I already knew he could and that it would make him sick. (Of course his tummy was not feeling very good that night, but I managed to get some pictures of the burger before he devoured it!)
And last but not least I had to post some pictures of the fun, yummy dessert I made over conference weekend. Thanks to bakerella.com (you need to check out that website) we were able to enjoy these fun treats. They are called cake pops on the website because she actually puts them on a stick like suckers but I just made cake balls instead. They are red velvet with cream cheese frosting and then they are dipped in milk chocolate or white chocolate. Yummy, especially with milk!!!
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 7:15 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My new project
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 8:34 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Our Apartment in Henderson
I took a few pictures of our new apartment. We are loving where we live. We have 2 pools and a fitness center, all are 24 hours.
Our kitchen and new dining table
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 6:34 PM 6 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Long time gone...
Bear with me, I have so much catching up to do. Dave moved to Las Vegas in August and began school and work. I stayed in Utah at my parents (thanks mom and dad) for all of August to work. So each weekend during the month apart either I came to Veags and Dave came to Utah.
One weekend while in Vegas, Dave wanted me to make him some pizzas to have throughout the week. I was making the dough and Dave was helping cut and cook the toppings and I had just preheated the oven. Well I went to get a pan out and saw smoke coming out of the sides of the oven. I opened up the oven door and there were flames bursting out. We were freaking out. We didn't know if it was grease or gas (our oven is gas) so after trying to figure out what do to Dave poured a little water on it and it started putting it out. He kept just pouring water on it with a 1/4 c measuring cup until he realized to grab our big pitcher from the fridge. Our fire alarm was so loud and there was smoke everywhere. No one ever came out to see what was going on though, which is weird since our apt is townhome style and is hooked to many others. There was water everywhere after the fire was out put there was no damage anywhere thank goodness. After putting out the fire, we realized that when we had put everything away my mother and I put my hot pads in the drawer under the oven not thinking it was electrical. Well when I preheated the oven, it lights in that drawer and started the mits on fire. It was pretty scarey during but we are glad it turned out ok. We got a few pictures after of the drawer and also of what happened to the dough during all of the commotion.
I thought I would be getting my dental hygiene license in Nevada mid August however Nevada requires a lot more things than Utah and to say the least I was waiting on a background check that came through after the nevada board met in August. Then to make things worse, we found out that the board doesn't meet again until October. We thought we would be living apart for another month so I could keep working. Neither of us were too fond of the idea, so Dave said NO WAY and that I was moving down the first of September. I couldn't argue with that. A month to relax in Vegas, and of course I missed Dave like crazy!!
So I moved down the day after labor day, and then I actually left for Arkansas two days later to help my sister. I had so much fun out their. I love my sister and her family. She is such a great example to me. I did take my camera with me but my battery was dead (oops) so no pictures. However, my time was spent helping out my sister because she is on moderate bed rest with her fourth child, so I got to play with my nephews and niece and just helped her out where ever else she needed it. I came back to Vegas after about 5 days and now I am here for good. I am going to take some pictures of our apartment soon and I will post them. However this past weekend, spur of the moment, Dave and I made a Disneyland run. We have season passes and it is only about 4 hours away. Here are some pictures of our fun time.... (PS we LOVE disneyland!!!)
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:16 PM 8 comments