Sunday, January 30, 2011


So Dave does not have ANY luck with cars.
Since we have been married he has totaled, well 3 now (none of which were his fault)
Two were wrecks which just happened to be within a month of each other and the 3 was well stolen.

Yes I said STOLEN.

About a week and a half ago Dave walked out to go to work and found that his car was not were he had left it. In fact it was no where to be found.
He came back inside to tell me his car had been stolen. He was laughing at the situation because there was really nothing else he could do, I on the other hand did not find it funny AT ALL! Another car...really?

Well we filed a police report (at that point we were told that they have an 85% success of finding cars, but also told that Honda Civics, Dave's car, is the #1 car stolen in America...great!)

Well we got a call about 2 nights later, at 4 a.m. might I add. It had been found abandoned in a parking lot and was being taken to a tow yard. We went to see the car later that day once we were actually awake. Lets just say it had been taken for quite the joyride and the insurance ended up totaling it out.

I can't believe people. The only things that were taken were the cd player and our apt complex gate opener, yet they still had to trash the rest of the car? It reaked of smoke, ash everywhere, cig burns all over, big dent through the hood, and dents on the roof, etc.

Well after much sulking from me, because we had just recently paid off my car and were car payment free (for like a week) we got to looking for a new car. We decided that now might be our opportunity to upgrade to an SUV since even after just one kid you feel like you take your whole house when you travel. We ended up going through a guy my dad knows well that goes to the car auction here in Vegas. All of the cars were previous rentals and/or leases and have no major problems/damage. We ended up getting an AMAZING deal and fairly quick too. We are really excited with our new car. Check it out.


KW said...

Nice car! I am excited that you guys found something. Maybe it was a blessing...well maybe not. It's never fun to deal with things like that.

trudy...{and jamo} said...

oh my gosh, that is crazy! I bet it is so nice to have a SUV, I can't wait until I can get one (especially for the snow!).
London is so cute!!!! I love seeing pictures of her.