Monday, October 25, 2010

3 months old

I cannot believe it! Where does the time go? It apparently goes way too fast because I missed a two month old post. We love you so much London and you are so much fun!! Here are some of the fun things we love!
-You are such a big smiler!! You have just recently started to giggle at 12 wks!
-You love the fan
-You like watching the elliptical, you get mad when it stops
-You are an awesome sleeper!! You sleep 12 hours each night (8-8), you started this when you were 9 wks old!
-You are a good little eater and still nurse. Daddy feeds you pumped milk when Mommy is at work.
-You love to suck on your hands.
-You are a good little coo talker
-You love having visitors (hint hint)
-You like to go on walks in your stroller
-You are a very content baby and like to play on your blanket on the floor
-You are very much a TV baby (maybe not the best thing, but at least I know that can keep you entertained if I need to do something)
-You went to Disneyland when you were 8-1/2 wks and did really well!
-You still have lots of hair and it has only lightened a little
-You have rolled from your back to your stomach 2 times
We love you so much London!! Enjoy this slide show of pictures of our pride and joy!


Natalie said...

She's absolutely adorable!!! I can't believe its been that long already!

Andrea said...

She is so cute. When you are you coming here so I can hold her?