October 22nd marked one year since my grandpa passed away. We started out the day by going to the flower shop to get some flowers for my mom and grandma. However, we were side tracked driving down the road and seeing an apartment building on fire. Dave quickly pulled over and I called 911. London and I stayed in the car and Dave went to make sure everyone was out. It took like 15 minutes for cops to come and the fire trucks were even longer. It was so scary and I felt so bad for what these families had lost, but I was glad that everyone was out safe. Even though it had nothing to do with my grandpa, it made me feel good knowing that I did something to help others that day.
We did end up getting flowers and delivering them and then we also visited my grandpas grave.
Love and miss you Grandpa.
Miss you gramps. Glad you helped save that family. That is scary.
Thanks for the flower, it really made my day
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