We are so excited! It was so fun to be able to see our little girl on the ultrasound this morning! She kept opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue, it was so cute!
YEAH...I'm excited for you guys... just FYI Riley will probably hold her as much as you hold Chase :) I can't wait to go shopping and finally know what we are shopping for :)
I already said this but I am saying it again... I am SOOOO Excited for you!! Here comes Brighton's Girlfriend :) I can't wait Lind's you are going to love it! Love you guys
We got married on June 10, 2005. Dave works as a supervisor for Costco and Lindsay is a part time Dental Hygienist and full time mom. London was born in July 2011. We currently live in Utah county and we love spending time together as a family.
YEAH...I'm excited for you guys... just FYI Riley will probably hold her as much as you hold Chase :) I can't wait to go shopping and finally know what we are shopping for :)
I knew it was a girl. Like I said it goes in cycles. Working in a salon I know tons of women that are pregnant, and the cycle rule really works.
I already said this but I am saying it again... I am SOOOO Excited for you!! Here comes Brighton's Girlfriend :) I can't wait Lind's you are going to love it! Love you guys
Congrats! That is so exciting.
YEAH!!!! Be Prepared for lots of hand me down girl clothes.
WAHOOOOOOO! YAY for your baby girl! She's going to be one lil hottie! HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!! What are your fun girl names?
Wahoo!! I am excited!!
Congrats again. Boys are fun too. But, now that I am going to have both, I have to admit that shopping for girls is way more fun.
how exciting:) congratulations!
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