The middle of February, London and I took a trip to Arkansas. Yes, I ventured on a 3+ hour flight alone with London but she happened to do pretty well for a 6-1/2 month old.
My oldest sister lives in Arkansas and we were headed to spend time with her and her family for a week. My other sister and my mom joined us a few days later and we had an excellent most needed girls week.
We laughed, ate, played, shopped and enjoyed!!
While there, my oldest sister Andrea, who is amazing at everything she does, offered to do London's 6 monthish pictures. Even though it was the only day London was somewhat grumpy they turned out very cute.
Take a peek...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Photo Shoot in Arkansas
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:55 PM 5 comments
Wrong about the tooth
So about a month ago, Dave and I thought London was cutting her first tooth. But it was something on the top that we could feel. She had all the cranky symptoms but it ended up not being a tooth.
But low and behold about 2 days ago, the first one finally came through. Yay!! We had a couple of cranky nights, up until midnight or so because of it, but we made and still have many more to go!
We love you London!!
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:53 PM 2 comments
7 months
Here are some of your new milestones
-So you really hadn't cut a tooth before, but you do have one now. The left lower central finally worked its way through
-You can sit up all by yourself and love viewing the world from that perspective
-You love your exersaucer and can play in it for over an hour
-You are still very much a tv baby and love sesame street
-Even though you love daddy, you are very much a momma's girl
-You are a great eater, you love your veggies, fruit, mum mums, and dried fruits
-You are a good cuddler in the morning and I savor it everyday!
-You have been trying to hold your own bottle, but still working on it
-Trying to figure out the sippy cup still
Posted by Dave and Lindsay at 9:45 PM 2 comments