Friday, February 26, 2010

Baby Bump Picture

So I have been asked by many to post a picture of my baby bump. Well I was just waiting until I actually popped out and now it is official. I am 19 wks pregnant...I feel more fat than pregnant right now, but here is the picture!

Don't forget to check out the previous post and vote on what you think we are having!!

What do you think? we want to hear everyone's guess. We are finding out what we are having on Thursday March 4th. Less than one week away...yay! Please comment on what you think we are having....boy or girl? We are really excited to hear everyone's guess!! And we can't wait until we find out!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Visitors including this cute little guy!

My sister Kristin, her husband Jared, and their cute baby boy Luke came down and visited us over Valentine/President's Day weekend. We had lots of fun just hanging out, watching movies, playing games, etc. I was able to get a few pictures of Luke, but he is a little stinker and won't smile when that camera comes out. On Monday they wanted to go to Boulder Dam so we drove down before they had to take off later that day. That was the only place I got a picture of us all and our weekend together. We are so happy they were able to get away and come to stay with us. We miss you guys already and can't wait until Luke has a little cousin/friend to play with.
PS My belly is not really showing yet...but I promise more pics to come as soon as I pop out!